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Aboriginal Due Diligence assessments

Aboriginal objects are protected by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPW Act), however the NPW Act provides that an individual or organisation who exercises due diligence in determining that their activities will not harm Aboriginal objects has a defence against prosecution under the Act.  


Aboriginal Due Diligence assessments are undertaken when proposed activities may harm Aboriginal objects and to determine if an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) is required prior to carrying out these activities. 

We are highly experienced at the provision of Aboriginal Due Diligence assessments in accordance with the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)'s Due Diligence Code of Practice for the Protection of Aboriginal Objects in New South Wales throughout Sydney and New South Wales.

Contact us for more information about Aboriginal Due Diligence assessments.

Unearthed Archaeology & Heritage Pty Ltd 

ABN: 38 668 078 260

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